The Enamel is Also Important

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The last stage of Christmas celebrations is just around the corner, food excesses and the intake of sugar that damages so much our oral health. It is the Wise Men’s Day, a very special date for a lot of people and where the Epiphany Cake is a must. Sweets, same as citric drinks, are a big enemy not only for our teeth and gums but also for our enamel. Because of that, it is always recommended to reduce the intake of both of them. Moreover, in the case of citric drinks we recommend the use of straws to get the liquid straight to our throat.

Sweets, same as citric drinks, are a big enemy not only for our teeth and gums but also for our enamel.

Despite a good brushing is indispensable, we should know that it isn’t the panacea. In fact, from Smylife we always recommend visiting the specialist with the aim of knowing the real status of the oral health so we can prevent and solve oral problems. For instance, when the enamel presents some kind of wear, in a lot of cases, veneers are necessary.

We can prevent and solve oral problems.

Because of this reason and to solve this problem, in Smylife we created Smylight, an aesthetic system based in crowns and veneers that allows to rehabilitate in the most precise way basically because it starts off with a virtual design made by computer. Moreover, the use of aesthetic materials free of metal guarantees a highest success and durability rate. It is the moment to give your teeth and enamel the care they deserve, if Wise Men didn’t bring it to you, you already know what to get for your self.

Marisa Nufrio

Directora de IESO (Instituto de Estudios Superiores Odontológicos) entre 2004 y 2011, fundadora de varias clínicas odontológicas y de la Dental Education Ocupational School. En la actualidad, es fundadora de Smylife y directora de Smylife España. Junto a José Álvarez, fue pionera en asociar el lujo y la exclusividad a las clínicas dentales.

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