What is the perfect breast?

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With a career since 1992, Dr. Julio Puig has done his training as a medical specialist at the Hospital de Bellvitge in Barcelona (Spain) and at the Manhattan EyeEar and Throat Hospital in New York. High estexpression of femininity, the chest is the body part most associated with sensuality and which provides greater security and confidence to women. Is why in recent years man y women are interested in cosmetic surgery and decide to undergoing surgery. Indeed, currently the breast surgery is the most requested surgery in plastic surgery.

One of the main concerns of women who make the decision to have surgery is to know what her breast will look after surgery. The size or shape are some of the most common issues in cosmetic surgery consultations, but how is the perfect breast?

The future size of the breasts is one of the most common questions among patients

For Dr. Julio Puig, the ideal breast is one that «is according to the rest of the body. The important thing is the harmony that is as natural as possible.» Dr. Puig recommended «measures shall not exaggerated but not too short. Both breasts should be as symmetrical as possible, the chest should be fuller in the lower pole at the top and nipples should look ahead»

The most suitable technique is chosen according to each patient

According to Dr. Puig, theresult of breast augmentation «it is highly satisfactory because the technique we use always seeks maximum natural chest. This feature is highly valued among women who undergo the procedure because, in addition to a new height, seeking lightness in the finished «. The doctor says that the most suitable technique for breast surgery is chosen based on each patient and says it is essential to provide «clear, concise and realistic objectives and the constraints to make the right decision».

Las operaciones más demandadas son las que conllevan implantación de prótesis

Although there are other surgeries to change the appearance of the chest, such as breast reduction interventions the most requested surgery are those involving prosthesis implantation, either by an increase or a mastopexy or breast lift. In the latter case, the intervention was carried out to enhance a breast that have been dropped by several factors such as age, pregnancy, lactation or thinning. In surgical procedures that require an implant, the safety and quality of implants is very important. In thiss ense Dr. Puig affirms that it is «fundamental an annual review in patients with breast implants once they have been medical discharged, is the only way to have controlled that everything is going well.»

It is essential to ensure that our surgeon is a qualified professional

The doctor also recommends that before making the decision to undergoing surgery the patient be informed well about the degree of the surgeon who will intervene it, and flee of «centers where interventions are made at low prices that not meet optimal health and safety conditions.» It is therefore important to ensure that the intervention is responsible for the plastic, cosmetic and restorative surgery. This information can be obtained by calling the College of Physicians of each city or the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Furthermore, according to Dr. Puig, interventions must be performed in operating rooms within the ambit of a hospital properly certified.

Julio Puig

Cirujano plástico desde 1987. Gerente de varias clínicas de cirugía y medicina estética en Valencia, Gandía y Barcelona. Participa habitualmente en los congresos de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Plástica y también de la Federación Iberoamericana de Cirugía Plástica.

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