Sephora Accelerate

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Sephora Accelerate is a key initiative of Sephora Stands, the company’s broad new social impact strategy built on the pillars of philanthropy, aligned social engagement, and shared value, to inspire confidence and fearlessness among women. Comprised of three distinct programs designed to address the needs of entrepreneurs, communities, and Sephora  employees, Sephora Stands will continue to take shape throughout 2016, exclusively in the Sephora  Americas region.

Sephora Nars. Click to buy

«Sephora is uniquely positioned to support and inspire women as they achieve their goals, and from the beginning, it’s been among the top requests from both our clients and our employees,» said Calvin McDonald, President and CEO of Sephora Americas. «While past efforts have been effective on a local level, Sephora Stands is a holistic new strategy, spearheaded by our Head of Social Impact, Corrie Conrad, which allows us to better leverage the depth of our expertise and the incredible passion of our employees for a more focused result.»

Sephora Collection. Click to buy

Sephora Stands is the latest example of the company’s unrivaled leadership in the beauty industry, and born from the belief that beauty is for each person to define and for Sephora to celebrate in all its diversity.

Sephora Artist Plexi-Gloss Collection. Click to buy

Sephora is pioneering these three new initiatives to build a long-term social impact program by cultivating the next generation of beauty businesses, creating community social engagement, and strengthening the support system for its employees.

The Luxonomist

Redacción de The Luxonomist. Periodistas especializados en información económica, financiera, empresarial y a la última en las tendencias del lujo.

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