Shiseido Excellence

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Shiseido appointed the last of the four Center of Excellence (COE) officers: Nathalie Helloin Kamel, based in Paris and in charge of Fragrance. Building the team began in January 2016 and is now completed with this last addition. COE’s leadership is now made up of four experts with extensive experience, abilities, passion, and knowledge in their fields.


The Center of Excellence network is a big part of Shiseido Group mid-to–long term strategy, VISION 2020, and the right leadership for these centers is crucial.


Three global locations were chosen, to station the four COEs, based on critical for the beauty industry spheres. Each chosen region, as a location, has proven global leadership as well as superior pools of talent and abilities in the Digital (Americas), Makeup (Americas), Skincare (Japan), and Fragrance (EMEA) fields.


Each COE will take the lead in gathering information, putting forward strategies, developing products, and promoting other measures in those fields. R&D facilities in each region will support the COEs efforts collaboratively. Guided by a Center of Excellence concept, the plan is to make the most of these measures in pursuing global marketing and developing strong brands that excel on the world stage.

The Luxonomist

Redacción de The Luxonomist. Periodistas especializados en información económica, financiera, empresarial y a la última en las tendencias del lujo.

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