Telefonica’s Social Development

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Fundación Telefónica. Click for more information

This is the focus of the social projects we undertake in Telefónica through sponsorships, agreements with the third sector, direct actions, Foundation and the Telefónica Group Association for Attention to People with Disabilities (ATAM). In total, Telefónica allocate 129 million euros a year to philanthropy, in accordance with the International LBG (London Benchmarking Group) methodology. With 15 years’ experience, Fundación Telefónica is the main driver of our initiatives.

It currently works in three spheres of action:
  • Education and innovation: design and implement direct intervention programmes which benefit children and young people, to support them in the development of their life projects through education and personal autonomy.
  • Digital art and culture: Telefónica are a meeting point for the most innovative trends in digital art and culture through our cultural spaces.
  • Corporate volunteering: manage the Telefónica corporate volunteering programme, supporting the solidarity activities of our employees on social projects.
Fundación Telefónica. Click for more information

Proniño, managed by  Fundación Telefónica, promotes decent-quality school enrolment for children at risk of child labour with the support of technology. In this way, Fundación Telefónica protect these children and prepare the future citizens of the digital society. All of this in collaboration with 120 social organisations and local governments.

Since its creation in 1998, the programme has given these children opportunities to develop a life project. For this, it focuses on the quality of education, fostering innovation and inclusive work in the school by means of access to and the promotion of new technologies and collaborative online work among all those involved. Effective public policies, the private sector and the third sector, and the strengthening of these agents are also key in Proniño.
The Luxonomist

Redacción de The Luxonomist. Periodistas especializados en información económica, financiera, empresarial y a la última en las tendencias del lujo.

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