Michelin-star Chefs Gather in «Restorán Mahou»

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«Restorán Mahou», located in Lamucca Prado, introduces its new everyday cuisine with a proposal for «tapas» neighborhoods. Students of the «Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Madrid» have created a new tasting menu, based on the culinary culture of Madrid six quarters, as well as new proposals for individual «tapas» to pair with beer.

Restorán Mahou exterior

The new menu »Cómete Madrid» it consists of 6 new tapas; as «foie bonbon cake with onion and caramelized apple» or «stuffed Piquillos of squid in its own ink.» The menu includes a «doble de Mahou» and coffee for a price of 14 €.

Oscar Velasco is one of the chefs cooking at the Restaurant Mahou

The restaurant Mahou founded in 1913 reopened its doors last November 12 in Lamucca El Prado (Calle Prado, 16), to celebrate the 125 years of history linking the brewer leisure, gastronomy and hospitality of Madrid. This ephemeral restaurant will be open until 29 November and will house all night dinners with some of the best national chefs.

Haute cuisine dishes at a reasonable price

Because of their inclusive nature, Mahou Restaurants approaches to the public a taste of haute cuisine. The tasting menus created by Michelin-star chefs are priced at € 50, while dinners perform by chefs with two and three Michelin stars are valued at 70 €.

The Luxonomist

Redacción de The Luxonomist. Periodistas especializados en información económica, financiera, empresarial y a la última en las tendencias del lujo.

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