García Márquez´s trip

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Gabriel García Márquez


Telefónica pays tribute to the link between Spain and Colombia through the exhibition «Crossing the states of the word», an innovative exhibition that explores the work and thought of Gabriel García Márquez in the digital age. The interactive exhibition with the collaboration and support of the Embassy of Colombia in Spain and will be open from February 27 to March 3 in the House Reader Matadero (Plaza de Legazpi, 8, Madrid).

‘Crossing the states of the word’ is part of the international art fair ARCO, where Colombia is the guest country this year and has become one of the Spanish-speaking countries with greater cultural influence both Latin America and in the world .

The interactive exhibit symbolizes a journey through the work of the Colombian author, through a selection of literary fragments that refer to sea that unites both countries and is present in almost all his works. The creative concept of the exhibition is born of discourse ‘bottle into the sea to the god of the words’ the Colombian writer spoke at the First International Congress of the Spanish Language in Zacatecas, Mexico, in 1997. In that speech, Gabriel García Márquez reflects on the power of the word in the age of the image and the need to free it from its regulatory irons.

‘Crossing the states of the word’

The visitor will depart from the city of Cartagena de Indias through the projection of a video art that various artistic groups and cultural landscape of the Colombian characters have participated in a collective reading of excerpts from García Márquez. Cartagena de Indias is one of the main tourist destinations in Colombia and the city in which the Colombian Nobel had his second home.

That reading «released symbolically» words, which will be taken over by different artists to finally be materialized in 3D words. Over 50 3D printers work day and night to go together giving life to each of those words and re-arrange them into a new work, this time in the form of interactive installation.

The exhibition «Crossing the states of the word» will also have a digital experience that expands the scope of the concept and open participation to everyone. In, a sea of words create interactive, through which it can navigate and engage in collective reading selections from the work of García Márquez. Through social networks and using the hashtag #EstadosDeLaPalabra, the public can interact and share experiences.

In La Casa del Lector, Matadero Madrid

Also, note that ‘Crossing the states of the word has a strong social commitment to the future learning and digital culture, because when I finished the show, his words continue the journey, through a tour that will travel schools in Spain and Colombia where workshops will be held with 3D printers and words that formed the sculpture.

About Telefónica. This exhibition confirms the permanent link Telefónica Latin America, where it has a strong presence for 25 years, and is part of the Company’s commitment to fostering and promoting the common cultural heritage and the strengthening of the Spanish language in the world digital communications, through innovation and technological diffusion. 3D Printing, Big Data or creative programming disciplines and technologies are being driven by Telefónica and open innovation initiative Open Future in areas such as entrepreneurship or learning new technologies through various programs and proposals worldwide.

The Luxonomist

Redacción de The Luxonomist. Periodistas especializados en información económica, financiera, empresarial y a la última en las tendencias del lujo.

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