Eco Friendly Pets

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Bichón  in the grass. Photo: institutoperro

It is a global trend in increased concern for friendly products with the environment, not only in the material composition, also in their preparation techniques and later to the extent and manner in which melt to prevent not only depleting ecosystem but not impaired. Including products obtained in a sustainable way. As could it be otherwise, in The Luxonomist, which are the top of last trends, we can´t fail to address this issue by reviewing the latest ,most innovative and cool pet items.

BAGS FOR … A WALK. I want to say how many times I took my hands to the head – figuratively- when I see someone collecting the «poop» with non-biodegradable bags, give me 7 ills of the apocalypse to myself. It is the first thing that should be in any establishment that sells pet products, especially dogs and certainly should be regulated.

Earth Rated.  Tote bags and Composition 100% vegetable bags, non plastic. Make click to buy

I introduce you  the American firm: Earth Rated selling worldwide with a broad line but solely based on this product, of which I will highlight two and it takes quite a few years in the international market. Here you will see the full line of products, having more information and purchase. Bags with handles and fragrance. The handles are used to bundle after use. They are not going into «roll» but the dispensation is perfect. 

Bags 100% free of plastic, are of plant origin, are made with natural ingredients and meet all the standards of ASTM D6400. Excellent alternative to the bags they make themselves green. This model also carries scent, as one of its products in the range, which smells of lavender – and can be disposed of in a municipal composting that accept pets droppings.

Louis Dog. Organic Tee. Make click to buy it

In the selection of products that I present to you today I decided to put several items that are strictly holistic, natural or organic and often are included in the category eco-friendly. I’ll tell you what are each category and I will present them because I find them very interesting. we aren´t here to sort like we were technicians of an international organization which is not eco-friendly or not by neglect-I don´t stand the lack of professionalism-but strictly because none of the continents can agree on setting standards accurate to describe and classify what are environmentally friendly. There are different labels, classifications,  even in the same country.

I’ve already told at the beginning what is considered a general eco-friendly product. An holistic product is an alternative medicine in which the patient is considered as a whole rather than the sum of its parts. Strictly speaking, the patient should be treated not only with a product but with techniques that take into account the environment and the different aspects of the disease including the psychological.

Louis Dog. Collar detail made of organic cotton. Matching leash. Different colors. Make click to buy

An organic product is one that was produced by non-polluting techniques. To be considered as such must meet four minimum requirements: Do not use in its production chemically synthesized products. Performing practices to conserve soil and nutrients. That have current certification and rational use of natural resources. You see, after all we are at the starting point, let’s leave it all in eco friendly and not complicate as we say enough already with this and with the name that each firm has chosen for his product.

ORGANIC TEE. Beautiful Louis Dog tank top. Super Fashion. Ideal for the French Riviera. Forget pearls mannequin and you´ll see it very suitable also for male dogs.

ORGANIC COLLARS AND LEASHES. This detail is part of a set of collar and leash of lovely organic cotton Louis Dog,  super premium brand, it´s ideal designs for small dogs. You can find this set of collar and leash in different colors on the web.

Louis Dog. Treats of different flavors. Make click to buy

NATURAL TREATS. You have these cookies in many flavors, -Remember the very original tastes of the dogs-, as beef with paprika, chicken, etc. Sure they  love them, all are made with the best natural raw materials and prime quality raw sugar at all … etc.

ORGANIC WIPES FOR PETS. These wipes are super friendly practices not only serve to clean like any wet wipe – these are special to pets-, but also will serve as an aid in summer, since they help to cool.

ORGANIC SOOTHING SPRAY (INSECT BITES). Instant relief and calm. Skin care and discomfort dog calm thanks to the freshness produced by the Mint and Aloe Vera. Formulated with Calendula Oil and Hamamelis to clean the affected area where the itching sensation is located and therefore the dog has been scraped off and the skin is irritated. Kemel mixed with oatmeal to help a healthy and smooth skin.

Holistic shampoo to soothe stinging and itching, Holistic spray to soothe insect bites and Organic wipes for pets with Aloe Vera. Make click to buy

HOLISTIC SHAMPOO TO CALM BITES AND ITCH. Soothes irritation. Comfort the area of the bite, irritated skin of your dog and itching feeling with pure botanical oils that soothe and heal. It is formulated with soothing mint and citronella and neem tea oils.

Oscar Organic products have an origin that I love: The founder saw the need in the market when she moved to live in California, where once there she began to enjoy the many products of all these kinds that had for her and nothing for their dogs. He encouraged and created his own line after the other houses have continued. He has won awards for its products. She´s a supplier to other companies. She focused on products for the skin because it is the largest and most functions of the body organ. So smart! 

Laura Martínez España

Empresaria. Especializada en lujo y lifestyle. Fundadora de Maresla y JetPet. Colaboradora de grandes marcas y multinacionales de moda. www.maresla.com

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