Pets in Carnival

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The Carnival is a feast that is celebrated very much in some cities of each of the countries where you read us and hardly anything in others. Where everyone celebrates a lot, everyone participates in the party, including pets. Where they even celebrate parades along with their owner with prizes to the best costume or staging. There are even animal associations that organize these parades to publicize the dogs and cats they have and encourage adoption. When choosing a good costume for your dog or cat you must take into account some factors so that the animal’s welfare prevails over anything else:

“Fantasía” presented in Gran Canaria with dogs. One of the most popular Carnival activities.
  • How your dog accepts any clothing or accessory.
  • The comfort of the costume and the appropriate size.
  • The quality: that the fabrics, cuts and seams do not cause wounds.
  • Safety: Do not have accessories that could harm the animal.
  • If you prefer to do it yourself, make sure that you are really an artist, do not do anything in any way.
  • Fashion and originality – even if you use themes already seen, there are new ways of being interpreted.
Style Tails. “Taco” costume

For more than a decade it has become a tradition to dress up pets and not only at carnival or Halloween, but also at Oktoberfest and other local festivals. The best-selling costumes over the years and those that are repeated over and over are all related to Star Wars, superheroes, or reinterpretations of brands of drink and Food, and lifelong characters like princes and princesses, buccaneers, artists like Marilyn and Elvis

Ewok costume and Prince costume

Wigs and hats are also very popular. I advise that they are basically left loose in the area of the ears because the dogs and cats communicate through them, among other forms, so you should not block them. There are many types of costumes even those that cause minimal discomfort and which consist of a belt or a harness, a headband or a thermal collar.

Bat glow wing harness and Cowboy princess hat dog

At a normal temperature, a costume does not fulfill any function other than that of decorating it with a little time has more than enough, as long as the dog is not delighted with it. If the temperature is cold the disguise can make the cover function.

Green skeleton dinosaur dog costume

Keep in mind the sociability of your dog or cat since if you take it in costume and is shy, or does not like very much the strange people protect it and carry it in your arms or protect it by putting you as a barrier between people and him. When they see it in disguise many people will approach your pet, make pampering and say how cute it is.

Laura Martínez España

Empresaria. Especializada en lujo y lifestyle. Fundadora de Maresla y JetPet. Colaboradora de grandes marcas y multinacionales de moda. www.maresla.com

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