Protect Cats From Summer-Heat

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Cats also do not sweat so they are very exposed to heat stroke, dehydration. They also suffer burns on their skin from exposure to the sun. The need for shade, well ventilated and fresh places to state, and sun protective cream are basic. I advise you to have them indoors with air conditioning or in places where they can not escape to sunny places, at least during the hottest hours.

In and out of the home, keep them in the shade

The fans help them cool their fur, because they lift the different layers and produce a very pleasant effect for the cat. Do not forget to protect windows and doors (even cat doors), if you do not want your cat to escape during the hottest hours. The protections for children are not absolutely safe for cats, buy them in specialized stores for animals. The main cooling system of cats is through their tongue and mouth. Cats try to regulate their temperature by licking their hair, drinking water, staying still and gasping.

Offer them fresh and clean drinking water, the best quality stainless steel automatic sources, and you can even add some cubes with food or desserts of your taste to make your approach to water more attractive. You can search the internet among the thousands of recipes that are there, attractive for cats and susceptible to be frozen and have a good appearance.

Brush your cat daily

If the cats are outside, I advise that the protected area of the sun be wide and put there the water supply containers, to avoid overheating. The main cooling system of cats is through their tongue and mouth. Cats try to regulate their temperature by licking their hair, drinking water, staying still and gasping.

Offer them fresh and clean drinking water, the best quality stainless steel automatic sources, and you can even add some cubes with food or desserts of your taste to make your approach to water more attractive. You can search the internet among the thousands of recipes that are there, attractive for cats and susceptible to be frozen and have a good appearance.

Wrap your cat with a wet towel

If the cats are outside, I advise that the protected area of the sun be wide and put there the water supply containers, to avoid overheating. Daily brushing can not be skipped. The dead coat will give you an overcoat and just annoying. Also put their scrapers in perfect condition for them to do this task. Cats love it! And check if it’s time to change them for new ones. As you adapt your home for the summer and change the decor, prepare a suitable place for your cat.

Change their usual bed or blanket for a less warm one or a special towel. Offer him «seasonal» toys, which can be put in the freezer to be cool. If your cat is one of those who prefers a place like the bathtub or the sink as soon as the warm season arrives, of course, do not leave it there. Provide a bed of similar characteristics but specifically designed for them. I am not in favor of DIY, fundamentally because they have no guarantee and in this particular case the easiest thing is to crack or break.

Prevents heat stroke in cats

I do not agree with those who think that these hot days practically oblige cats – and dogs – to be inactive. Let them do the exercise they want or need, but always under the right conditions. That is, avoiding the outside at the key hours of the sun or  exercising at home. Although most cats do not like to bathe in water, you can use a wet towel frequently to cool them, caressing them with a towel all over their  body, if you do not use wet cloths by zones.

Heat stroke in cats: 
The symptoms are: excessive gasping and rapid breathing, lethargy, bright pink ears, confusion, weakness and inability to stand, agitation, tremors, and even seizures. If a cat suffers a heat stroke, the pads of its paws will also be warm to the touch. Immediately put a fan, apply wet cloths on its legs and make it drink cold water – never freeze or very cold, since you expose it to a shock – and calls the veterinarian.

Laura Martínez España

Empresaria. Especializada en lujo y lifestyle. Fundadora de Maresla y JetPet. Colaboradora de grandes marcas y multinacionales de moda. www.maresla.com

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