Traveling in Style with Your Pet

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When traveling with your pet, the security of both is not a luxury or an option is absolutely essential. It is true that the conditions and laws vary from one country to another, for example from the US to Spain. But there are some general guidelines and common sense that you should not skip at least for caution. They are also different requirements you should take into account as the means of transport you use and the destination.

Some breeds and sizes can fly in the aircraft cabin.

1.- General rules: Health documentation and passport of your pet and even identification, microchip and potentially dangerous animal license -if applicable- and medical records and copies of prescriptions for drugs that were taking and prescribing them they are absolutely necessary, mainly when I need veterinary care. It is highly recommended that this documentation is be accompanied by a color photo of the animal, as we have our identity card or passport, I do not mean to format, but that distinguishes it perfectly, other than a photo from afar, playing, not current, etc.

Spanish pet passport.

If you are traveling to another country, check the conditions of quarantine, that is, if your pet will have to spend a few days retained at customs under observation before he can enter the country in question, despite having all documents in order.

Oppo. Dog Muzzle Quack.

Make sure the rules of each place you go to visit, including bylaws in Spain, since in some places it is mandatory that the dog walks always leashed and muzzled even.

Contacta con tu veterinario de confianza

You should always have on hand the phone number of your trusted veterinarian, as well as a prestigious clinic that addresses emergency in the place where you going to go. Before traveling consult your veterinarian if it is a  convenient trip to your dear friend , the chosen location or anywhere, and the means of transport.

2.- Carrier: Whether you’re traveling by car, plane or ship the animal should be securely fastened to prevent from hurting themselves or make other passengers or objects. The carrier or cages are perfect for this.

Louis Vuitton. Cage by Marc Jacobs. 

As a general rule: If you choose this option you should consider a number of issues for your pet is in the best conditions:

  • The carrier must be approved and comply with IATA regulations. You will not have trouble getting your pet air travel.
  • The appropriate measure for your pet is one in which she can stand without hitting the roof, can turn and lie down comfortably.
  • They must be of resistant materials and with handles. If they take wheels, much better.
  • Have waterproof and absorbent soil, to avoid losses.
  • Ensure proper ventilation, at least on opposite sides, which allow free circulation of air.
  • Be sufficiently identified with all the owner’s data, destination, with a name tag that says «Live Animal» and with arrows indicating the right position.
Sleepypod. Arnés Clickit Utility. 

It is a good option  you put in the carrier a mat, a blanket and a toy that your pet likes. So your pet gets used to being in it  you can train a month earlier, making him spend a little time there.

Separadores de maletero

3.- By car: The animal must be secured so that don’t disturb at all the functions of the driver and can not distract him under any circumstances. Are very useful safety belts, the blankets to not leave hairs, the separator screens that can not enter the legs or nose or tongue, food and water bowls travel, do not forget the poop bags.

Khmfg. Surfaces protection. 

Turn on the air conditioner on a reasonable and comfortable temperature, not lower the windows so that it can lean out as well as dangerous in traffic safety issue, also for the eyes, ears and nose of your pet because it can be introduced small pieces of twigs, leaves, flowers, stones, etc., as well as allergens, causing damage and disease.

When you stop, also down to his dear friend, do not even think to leave it in the car, not worth the excuse that he has left the windows something downs to breathe, is useless in a few minutes your car will reach insupportable temperatures for any living, even in the shade in summer being. Every year we watch in the news media about dogs who have died from heat in a parked car because the owner came out 5 minutes.

Lila Paws. Pet travel bag.

This year has already approved  a law in Texas that opens the cars of those who have left a dog inside to release it and wait for your dog to come. In 14 states of the United States is illegal to leave a dog in the car, is considered a crime, you will be judged, since they are enough 10 minutes for a dog dies in a car exposed to heat. The carrier and cages have a very important role, always that  they provided all the security conditions.

Follow all the rules for travel by plain with your pet.

4.- By plane: You should consult IATA regulations as well as the airline with which you go traveling. Normally these rules refers to the size, breed and age of the animal, as well as the  means of transport in which they must travel – carrier or cage-. It is also contemplated in some of them the opportunity to travel in the cabin for some breeds and sizes. For air travel takes certain general precautions such as:

  • Avoid traveling puppies less than 8 weeks are unweaned.
  • Try traveling on an empty stomach or half. With 8 hours of fasting will be enough.
  • Avoid crowded days.
  • Book early, the places for pets are very limited. Buy the twickets – for he and for you- at the same time.
Make air travel comfortable for your pet.
  • Book direct flights.
  • Match the flight schedule with the best daytime temperatures, as cold weather or heat.
  • Confirm all your reservation details before leaving to solve last-minute changes at home and not at the airport.
  • Try your dog for a long walk before boarding, so that the trip will serve as a rest.
  • If the dog travels in cabin, arrives as late as possible to minimize the waiting time.
  • If traveling in the hold, notify staff of board-preferably the head of flight- and pick upon arrival at your destination.
Balearia.Pet travel area.

5.- By boat: 

  • Check with the shipping company to be used.
  • Try to exercise your dog before boarding and at every stop.
  • If an international cruise, you must comply with the rules of each country you visit.
  • Please note that your pet can get dizzy.
Don’t sedate your pets to travel by plane.

6.- Sedation: Why it is not recommended to sedate animals to travel by plane?

  • Because it increases the risk of heart attacks.
  • Because it reduces the adaptability of animals to the environment and to maintain balance and therefore could injure by the motions because they are unable to adapt to them. Even more if they are not properly secured.
There are pets that get dizzy when traveling.

7.- Dizziness: Some pets get sickness drive, so if your case you know more about this, so may already have experience and have consulted your veterinarian and have controlled this issue. But other pets don’t get  sickness drive but do it by boat or plane. When you got to the visit to the veterinary prior to travel, please talk about this issue.

Hire a travel insurance for your pet.

8.- Travel insurance: It is highly recommended that you hire a travel insurance for your pet and you expand the coverage you already have, considering of course, the place where you go traveling and conditions you can find on the trip.

Whenever you travel with your dog or cat, you must carry everything you need on that trip, from the most essential to what you may need and you can not buy at the destination, that is, you must make his own luggage, but  we will focus on this in another post.

Laura Martínez España

Empresaria. Especializada en lujo y lifestyle. Fundadora de Maresla y JetPet. Colaboradora de grandes marcas y multinacionales de moda. www.maresla.com

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