Trick or Treat

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The custom of trick or treats comes from the legend of Jack O’Lantern that I told you last week. It was possible that Jack came to your door in the night of October 31st and will propose you: trick or treat. What you should do under any circumstances was accept the deal  in the conditions as if he was not doing the tricks by which tacitly would have chosen were an unimaginable amount of curses and terrible misfortunes on your house and your family for generations.

Dogs on the door of a house to do «trick or treat».

Fortunately, this is just a legend and custom today is to accept treatment, give sweets in exchange for not bring you a prank – not to be confused with acts of vandalism -. Honestly to me, it is not fun in the habit of shaving foam stain a door or throw eggs, as is usually done in the United States, to tell a joke or a riddle, spare.  

Halloween celebration in the gardens of the White House. (Photo: Barack Obama Twitter @BarackObama)

Although tonight since ancient times in different cultures is celebrated exactly the same though in different ways or with other names, the celebration of Halloween «American-style» has spread across almost the entire planet, being the most famous: costumes, trick or treat, horror stories and visits to homes, castles and haunted places. It is increasing the presence of pets, mainly dogs and cats in Halloween parades are held in New York and even in Long Beach (Los Angeles). But also their participation in the trick or treating. 

Embassy. Caramel apples. Typical Halloween.

It’s great fun taking the dog to trick or treat, but be careful that it does not become a torture for the animal. There are ingredients that are used in bakery for human consumption which are very toxic in animal feed. Such as chocolate, xylitol (sweetener), grapes and raisins. We must take a very careful not access the wrapper and under no circumstances give them gum! 

Pawsitively Gourmet. Candy Apples. 

These apples are an example, but I doubt very much that Embassy apples can hurt anyone  , I have put as an example of that, however it may seem exquisite food  I advise you to learn from your pet if it can be   harmful before giving it. These cookies will be excellent for your dog made from sweet potato and decorated with yogurt. 

Only in the United States poisoning  call direct line increase of 12% in call volume during the week of Halloween, most of them associated with pets who consume chocolate, raisins, and wrappers .

Bubba Rose Skulls and Pawsitively Gourmet. Skull. 

Both the evening of 31st as the day November 1st, Mexico is filled against the general tradition of black, of an explosion of colors. There both night and the Day of the Dead is a time of special celebration in which flock to cemeteries to clean tombstones and bring offerings to their dead.

Bubba Rose Bites shaped pumpkin pie and Pawsitively Gourmet Jack O’Lantern Cookie. 

Have no any problem with what looks like chocolate in these cookies is yogurt with natural dyes or mixture of peanut butter with brown rice flour, cinnamon, etc.

Bubba Rose Bites shaped pumpkin pie and Pawsitively Gourmet Jack O’Lantern Cookie. 

The best thing to do with Jack O’Lantern symbol -the pumpkin-is that your dog eats it. Bubba Rose or Pawsitively Gourmet are delicious , two excellent brands of treats and bakery made with the best ingredients, all natural and in continuous process improvement. 

Pawsitively Gourmet Ghosts and Bubba Rose Ghosts. 

Halloween night is also called night of ghosts and Halloween.

Bubba Rose Eye-shaped cakes, Bubba Rose Monsters, Pawsitively Gourmet Bat, Pawsitively Gourmet Cupcake spider cookie and Bubba Rose Web of peanut butter cookie. 

Halloween is not just a tradition it´s a booming business that earns more fans – and money -every year. It is becoming 5% of annual sales. In 2014 more than 7,400 million US dollars was spent between costumes, candy, decorations, private parties, invitations, etc. Only pet costumes were billed $ 350 million in pet costumes and candy figure is much higher because those who do not buy them even have a dog or cat to give away or to receive them when they call their door.

Bubba Rose Pumpkin and candy apple pops. / Bubba Rose Monster pops. 

What really scares are not only the symbols of this party, but the figures for the business that is coming. And we say we do not affect the advertising and marketing! Those responsible for these are the really monsters, in the best sense.

Cookies are a classic. The pops are more attractive as a small detail. Especially Bubba Rose they also have an excellent presentation.

Laura Martínez España

Empresaria. Especializada en lujo y lifestyle. Fundadora de Maresla y JetPet. Colaboradora de grandes marcas y multinacionales de moda. www.maresla.com

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